Temperature Control
Our own ‘in-house’ temperature testing chambers enables data logging to be carried out which is externally verified to exacting standards. The facility can provide induced temperatures from -30°C up to +50°C over long periods. Customers have the option to use their own data logging equipment or we can supply multi-point data loggers on a short term hire basis.
Benefits of our facilities include;
- Consistent ambient temperatures for measuring and validating thermal transfer
- Data logging to within .001°C of accuracy
- Mapping reports compliant with several regulations including 21 CFR part 11
Temperature Tracking
Many operations benefit from the ability to see, in real time, data relating to their vehicles. By working in conjunction with leading telematics providers, DBS are in a position to take temperature related information and transmit directly to fleet operators via the world wide web. We continue to develop our interrogation software to extract temperatures from a growing number of manufacturers’ recording equipment.